Ways to Develop Children's Ability to Give and Receive Effective Feedback

Ways to Develop Children's Ability to Give and Receive Effective Feedback
Skilledwise 02 May 2022

Rendering your child a helping hand in their formative years is the best thing a parent can do. Feedback is a critical part of this assistance process. Let’s know why feedback matters to children-

  • Constructive feedback elevates confidence & eradicates self-doubt.
  • Sets them to contemplate their work.
  • Encourages them and caters direction for future improvisation.
  • Feedback may render hope, new concepts, and inspiration.

Some of the Potential Markers of Effective Feedback:

Productive feedback must always embrace:

  • Clean and Precise language to dodge misinterpretation
  • Ideas for improvisation or to enable change
  • Substantiation of what the receiver has projected, obtained, or done well
  • Realistic targets/objectives
  • Dedication to help and accountability

Ways to Develop Child’s ability to Give feedback effectively:

Acquaint your children with the concept of feedback:

As with everything, context is vital. Before you demand your children their feedback, illustrate why you’re picking-up feedback and how it will aid them. They will associate with the fact that you also are on the road of learning.


Establish a welcoming environment:


One approach to help a child feel that they can share their viewpoints safely is through facilitating anonymous responses. This reflects that they can express their minds without hitches.

‍Motivate your children to provide feedback that is relevant and includes examples, so you can also understand their experience.

Hear to the feedback patiently:

Simply put, not interrupting. Listen to the person out, and to what they are voicing, not what you anticipate they will say. You can grab more info if you are focusing on listening and evaluating rather than being defensive and concentrating on your response.


Be conscious of your responses:


One’s body language and pitch of voice often express louder than words. Try to dodge putting up hurdles. If you look preoccupied and fatigued, that signals a negative message as well. Alertness, on the other side, signifies that you treasure what someone has to share and positions both of you at ease.

Allow openness:

This relates to being receptive to new concepts and diverse opinions. Usually, there is more than one approach to doing something and others may have a completely varied viewpoint on any given topic. You may absorb something valuable.


Decode the message precisely:


Ensure that you understand what is being said to you, particularly before reacting to the feedback. Demand clarifications if required. Hear attentively by repeating prime points so that you know you have grasped the feedback precisely.

Ponder and decide what to do:

Gauge the quality of the feedback, the outcomes of using it or neglecting it, and then conclude what to do because of it. Your reaction is your option. If you differ with the feedback, try demanding a second opinion from someone else.


Developing Child’s ability to Receive Feedback effectively:

plan Plan Before You Offer Feedback:

Your feedback must be logical and not a criticism or an opinion. Contemplate your objective with the feedback and pick your words wisely. Make sure that your feedback does not sting their feelings. Avoid giving feedback unless necessary.

stay Stay Specific:

It is critical to stay specific while endowing feedback to your child. You should endow explicit feedback on what went right and what was wrong. Saying "I loved the way you abetted your baby sister get dressed" or "I like the way you greet guests graciously" will kindle more of a response from your child.

time Identify the correct Timing:

When feedback is delivered to your children on time, they will address it positively, and recall the experience and what they absorbed. If there is a significant time lapse between your child's action and your resultant feedback, it will just drop the importance. You should put your best to provide feedback soon after your child has done something.

be Be Touchy Towards your child:

Feedback is predominantly implied for the recipient and not the giver. Therefore, you must be sensitive to the effect of what you say. Don’t forget the individuality of your child while giving your feedback to them. You must sustain a balance between not stinging your child’s emotions and still giving them effective encouragement.

aid Aid Growth Mindset:

A growth mindset supports children focus on the positive side of the feedback process, that is, the possibility to grow. Assisting a growth frame of mind through your feedback will aid your child to celebrate and comprehend their mistakes, retain an open mind, and accepting feedback as a learning process.

Dodge Dodge Message Overload:

Do not discuss too many of your child's actions when providing feedback. Focus only on 1 or 2 things at a go. Likewise, avoid offering an excessive amount of feedback at a time. If done, it can fade the impact of all the feedback given, making your child stay puzzled about what you said.

An-Equilibrium An Equilibrium between the Positive & Negative:

Nurture a feeling of trust with your child before you opt to give feedback. When providing feedback, you should maintain the balance between the positive and negative facets. Positive feedback must be rendered at every opportunity, and negative feedback should only be provided privately.

allow Allow the Feedback Sessions to stay Private:

Grant the feedback sittings private. It will encourage your child to ask questions and also comprehend the significance of one-to-one attention. Also, don’t stretch the session so that the message doesn't get thinned by the end of the sitting.

Demand Demand Permission and Renounce Control:

Sensing control may be a prime reason behind the defiance of feedback. The remedy is to provide your child with control over the feedback they wish to accept. Make a habit of inquiring if they would pick to receive feedback before providing it. Also, modify your feedback procedure to take after a problem-solving method.

Listen Listen to Counter Feedback also:

It is substantial that your child also feels competent of providing feedback to you. It will make them feel esteemed and admired. It will also trigger their critical analysis as they would have to appraise the behavior of others and provide feedback on the same.


As children absorb give and receive effective feedback, they also discover to widen their lookouts and reinforce a positive mindset. They perceive more security in their environments, more competent in their abilities, as a result can better conform to change, and comprehend to overcome snags with confidence.

Learning how to render and accept effective feedback is a priceless tool that children can pick up starting today.  It will help them gain expertise for their future careers and livelihood.