How Important Financial Literacy Has Become in Recent Years

How Important Financial Literacy Has Become in Recent Years
Skilledwise 09 May 2022

The records speak for themself, and they don’t sound good.

Here are some latest facts that demonstrate the state of financial literacy:

  • 53.0% of adults are financially restless.
  • Two out of three families lack an exigency fund.
  • 78.0% of adults live pay envelope to pay envelope.
  • Three out of five adults never follow a budget.
  • Four out of five youths did not pass a financial literacy quiz.
  • In the U.S., 27 states grabbed a C, D, or F grade for high school financial literacy.
  • 54.0% of the Millennial generation is concerned about student loans
  • 60.0% of adults had credit card debt in the last year
  • Four out of five adults witness hurdles to homeownership
  • Lesser than one out of five adults are confident about savings
  • 46.0% of those with lesser financial literacy index results mentioned learning from personal experience, whereas 73.0% of those with higher literacy results admitted of comprehending from personal experience.
  • 40.3% of those with low results in financial literacy were dependent on parents, friends, and acquaintances as their most significant source of financial knowledge, compared to 20.7% of those with the highest results in financial literacy.

Some Scary Facts About Financial Literacy in the U.S.:

  • 35.0% of people with poor credit don't involve in research before applying for a credit card.
  • 1 out of 5 teen students in the U.S. lacks fundamental financial literacy traits.
  • 29.0% of working women projected essential financial literacy v/s 47.0% percent of working men
  • 54.0% of student loan holders didn't consider to figuring out their future monthly installments before taking out their loans.
  • Among adults addressed to a national survey, 20.0% have been proposed and have participated in financial education.

Fundamental Components of Financial Literacy

budgeting Budgeting

In budgeting, 4 main elements of money formulate a budget: expenditures, investments, savings, and giving away.

Formulating the correct balance throughout the elementary utilization of money allows individuals to better apportion their income, resulting in financial security & prosperity.

As a thumb rule, a budget should be designed in a way that pays off all existing debt while beholding money aside for savings and making flourishing investments.

investing Investing

To acquire financial literacy, an individual must understand prime components of investing. Some of the elements that should be comprehended to assure beneficial investments are interest rates, price levels, diversification & risk reduction.

Absorbing the critical investment factors allows individuals to draw smarter financial conclusions that may result in an elevated inflow of income.

borrowing Borrowing

In general, almost every individual is needed to borrow money at some point in their life. To assure borrowing is accomplished efficiently, a comprehension of interest rates, compound interest, time value of money, payment periods, and loan structure is critical.

If the criteria above are absorbed adequately, an individual’s financial literacy will enhance, which will offer practical borrowing guidelines and reduce long-term financial anxiety.

Taxation Taxation

Acquiring knowledge about the diverse forms of taxation and how they influence an individual’s net income is essential for obtaining financial literacy. Whether it be employment, investments, rentals, inheritance, or unforeseen, each source of income is taxed distinctly.

Perception of the diverse income tax rates grants economic stability and enhances financial performance through effective income handling.

personal finance Personal Financial Governance

The most vital element, personal financial handling, embraces an entire blend of all of the components listed above.

Financial security is assured by creating a balanced blend of financial elements above to solidify and enhance investments and savings while curtailing borrowing and debt.

Advantages of Financial Literacy

Cited below are the mix of advantages of being financially literate:

  • Ability to draw better financial conclusions.
  • Efficient handling of money and debt.
  • Adequately equipped to obtain financial goals.
  • Lessening of spendings through better organization.
  • Reduced financial stress & anxiety.
  • Enhancement in ethical decision-making when opting for insurances, loans, investments, and operating a credit card.
  • Efficient formation of a balanced budget

Reasons: Why financial literacy has become Important in recent years

Elevates your confidence to make financial conclusions:


When you are heedless of your financial choices, you’re more probable to depend on others to make decisions for you. When it comes to the substantial financial conclusions in life, understanding all of your options renders you the confidence to select what’s right for you.

Grants you the ability to negotiate:

Financial literacy provides you the skill to enunciate your expectations. From discussing interest rates, for the money you borrow to accomplishing the goals you have for the money you invest, your skill to negotiate your best choices will dramatically grow, the more knowledgeable you are.


Enhances your opportunities for achieving your goals.


It’s one aspect to have financial objectives. Having a better comprehension of what it takes to achieve those goals, on the other hand, can be distinct when it comes to acquiring your financial dreams a reality.

Caters you with a widespread better quality of life:

When you learn your finances, you sweat lesser and acquire more. It’s not just philosophical, but a fact. Based on a national study organized by the Canadian Bankers Association, the most financially-knowledgeable Canadians were also amongst the ones with the highest earnings.


Financial illiteracy raises incompetent adults:


Statistics signify that young people who never obtained proper education on finances end up as irresponsible adults, specifically on financial grounds.

Contrary to those of adults who were educated about money handling while they were young.

Such people are capable to draw effective financial conclusions in their adulthood just because they had a strong financial footing in their youth.

Lack of financial literacy makes it easy for youth to absorb bad financial habits:

Usually, young people knotted in poor money practices such as gambling had no or poor backdrops in financial literacy.

They can be easily lured by others to involve in other poor financial lifestyles. A person with a proper financial foundation won’t be easily inclined to engage in activities such as gambling.


Financial literacy supports to better equip the youth for emergencies


At times, we are trapped in financial exigencies that demand large amounts of money. For a young person who is financially literate, it becomes a little smoother to navigate and come out of the condition compared to someone who is financially illiterate.

There are various reasons why financial literacy is important. Youth should continually be guided about how to save, invest, budget, and manage debts. Failing to do so can create a generation that’s not only unreliable but also poor.


In totality, the best consequence of your commitment to financial literacy will be enhanced confidence in yourself. When you have the awareness, that you are demanded to make informed decisions, you'll be able to believe that you can dodge diving into debt or investing with greater risk. From there, you can establish and chase financial goals that will most support your dream of a happy life.