Teaching financial literacy to Children

Teaching financial literacy to Children
Skilledwise 25 Jan 2022

Financial literacy facilitates the comprehension of financial skills and effectively use them. It is commonly referred to as the foundation of a person's financial relationship, and it is regarded as a lifetime learning experience. Furthermore, it is commonly believed that the earlier you learn about financial literacy, the better off you will be because knowledge is often seen as the most important factor when it comes to money.

Promoting Financial Literacy

In a similar vein, those who are assumed to be financially literate are less likely to be victims of financial fraud. Individuals must acquaint their children with financial literacy because a strong financial literacy foundation may help them achieve a variety of life goals, such as investing in their future education or saving for retirement. It also assures that an individual can run a business successfully.

Incorporating financial activates as a part of the lifestyle

Incorporating financial activates as a part of the lifestyle

With the changing time and needs, children should be aware of their essentialities including finance as one of the priorities. The adequacy of financial stability can be formulated by keeping kids busy in activities that are related to money and decision-making. Individuals must implement steps forward to educate their children financially by involving them in different fun activities.

1. Financial lessons:

Start engaging the child with the financial terminologies that will help those gain some knowledge in the same field. Acquaint them with a conceptual understanding of the cash approach in their daily lives. It is important to include them in understanding daily financial transactions.

For instance, while out shopping at the book store, give your child the freedom to buy the books as per their needs and then contemplate their choice by allowing them to evaluate the value of money. Let them make the payment which will necessitate their interaction with the cashier for exchanging cash and hence building confidence.

2. Enhancing budgeting skills:

Give your child a chance to learn about money tactics. This can be done by instilling a habit of saving that will make a difference in their lives. Some parents usually supply their kids with weekly pocket money which is their crucial earning at that time. Let them explore to focus on how their parents work hard day and night to earn money for gaining financial stability so that they can seek a lesson for the future.

3. Learning while playing:

Yes, you heard it right!! Gaming is the best platform to teach your child about financial gains and losses. There is numerous gaming platform that employs the use of money either in real or virtual which you can play with your kids so that they can be aware of the financial components. One relevant game is Monopoly that teaches numerous lessons by guiding for the risks involved in business or how much money one should invest and accomplishing different strategies.

  • Finding fun in playing money-related games can be teaching for many whereas the provision of pocket money for further saving could be another saver. Acquainting the kids with banking activities, engaging them in workshops as well as supporting them in prioritizing the essentials can be helpful.
  • Thus, letting a child know the value of money can be reflected by the ways he contracts with things. Supplemental education on eliminating false money perceptions should be given to alleviate negativity and boost positivity. Avail the chance to guide your child to elucidate healthy money behaviors through financial talks and workshop activities.

4. Reinforcing arithmetic proficiency:

Money management skills can be taught at any age of life, but the age starting at an early age seems helpful. The development of basic financial habits can be inculcated among the preschoolers as well; it can be done by equipping kids with the denomination specification of notes and coins. Let them sort the piles of coins along with stating different examples for calculating the grand amount.  

5. Money Sense with online learning:

In today's era, many parents believe in online teaching that reflects a good option for the kids. The attributes of learning money-related deals can be implemented by promoting their participation in workshops that will teach them financial etiquette. Conceptual knowledge of spending, sharing, and saving targets better budgeting skills.

Designing the Educational Path

Designing the educational path

After interpreting the education needs of your child, it is significant to plan financial lessons for them. Money management lessons embellish lifetime assets, guiding throughout the way a child learns about settling bank accounts. Educate them about the banking system and its working. Let them have access to a bank, open a child savings account so that they can learn financial ethics at an early age. The earlier is the conversion of the piggy bank cash to the bank account money, the better it will flourish.

Supervising kids about using a child-friendly debit card providing them with details entailing the procedure of accounts is a savior. Success can be attained by teaching them about investments and then buying their school-based material from the account on which they may get purchase benefits adding up to the amount. In this way, the financial health of your child's account can be boosted with time.


Only 33% of the adults worldwide are financially literate where:


A win-win situation can be instigated when you educate your child about eco-friendly ways of utilizing electricity. Optimizing the thought of reducing electricity bills through discussions can be relevantly reflected in evoking an awareness of the utility of the appliances. A healthy relationship with a child persuades an essence of understanding swiftly. Do not stop them if they make a mistake, they are the pioneers on the road to becoming financial expertise. Let them make a mistake while budgeting, allow them to fix the issue, and later teach them what's right. In this way, they will lead to a better path of gaining economic knowledge.  

Conversing About Finance

Conversing about finance

Perceptions do matter! Negatively talking about money may degrade the value of money among kids. The kids are mostly influenced by what they learn from their parents; try to talk healthy about the money-related aspects.

  • Let your child respect money rather than fear money. It is subjective that the preschoolers may have a perception about money being grown on the tree but it should be defended positively giving them effectual money insights.
  • At a later stage, many children might think that it’s cool that money can buy everything pleasant to their eye. It means they must be acknowledged about the hardships people have to face while earning money as it is not an easy job. The relevance of economic hardships can be illustrated by teaching financial literacy to kids. Respecting the opinions of the child, they should be directed in the right way.
  • Conversing openly about prioritizing the essentials and non-essentials apparently can help them in initiating detailed economic learning.  Letting them know what to share and what not to share in case of bank details while sticking to their budget is a necessity. Formulating a timetable on weekly basis for discussing the budgeting aspects with your child is a better choice.
  • This will assist them in take a prudent decision regarding money. Financial behaviors should be promoted optimistically as it is fundamentally crucial to adapt, learn and apply the change in this field.  

At the end

Inculcating financial literacy at an early age upholds benefits among children. It aids in wise decision-making strategies while dealing with financial matters. The promise of financial learning pays off in later stages that incorporate the potential of valuing money. Activities that involve economic education for kids must become a part of their daily lifestyle. Various factors are responsible for delving different financial attitudes among individuals of different ages. A prompt reaction should be given if a child mistook any calculation, they should be taught the right ways of interpreting financial matters.