Should you be investing while you are in Debt

Should you be investing while you are in Debt
Skilledwise 20 Jan 2022

Debts are unavoidable as we become older, especially when we move out on our own. When it comes to money, the responsibilities keep piling up. What you have to decide is where you want your money to go. Should you put your money into investments or pay off your debts first? People, particularly those with debts, are perplexed as to what they should prioritize first. But, first and foremost, why do people get into debt? Let’s explore.

Investing v/s Paying Debt

Investing v/s Paying Debt

Paying for unforeseen emergencies or unemployment is one of the reasons people prefer to accumulate debt. Debt is frequently the result of poor spending habits and can be extremely distressing. It may cause you to spend money unless you are spending cash. People who find themselves with additional funds may find themselves in a difficult situation. Is it better to put the money into investments that will grow in the future, or should they use it to pay off—or at least considerably pay down—the pile of debt they've accumulated? Depending on the circumstances, either option makes sense.

Think Wisely: Choose to pay debt first

Since we live in technology or digital era with a plethora of consumer things, most individuals nowadays are impulsive spenders. It can be related to the fact that investing money today is quite difficult in this case scenario but investing and paying off debt are both important financial objectives.

Let’s find out some ways

Let’s find out some ways

It's tempting to acquire and spend something for ourselves when we have some extra cash in our pockets. However, in order to save relationships and reduce stress, we must pay off our obligations before spending money on non-essential desires. Considering that you are not putting your money at risk spending less and saving more, as well as paying down debt, is essential to financial success. It can be difficult to figure out how to prioritize each goal. Here are a few things to think about:

1). Improvement in credit card score

When you pay off your debts first, your credit score improves as well. Too much credit card debt might affect your credit score negatively. Your credit score suffers when your credit card balances are large in comparison to your credit limit. When your loan balances are big in comparison to the original borrowed amount, the same thing happens. Having no debt allows you to improve your credit score.

2). Inability to control finances

Paying off debts may appear to be a burden because it is something that you must do all of the time. As most of your income goes to debt repayment, you won't be able to fully control your finances because you'll need to pay your debts, and the worst part is that you can end up with nothing because most of your income goes to debt repayment, monthly bills, and other costs.

3). Heavy Interests

 Paying off debt with a high-interest rate should be your priority in order to save money in the long run. It may seem difficult because you'll be spending nearly half of your income on it, but the prospect of being debt-free once you've paid off your bills is enticing. Many people prefer to pay off high-interest debt first since it will benefit them in the long run. Knowing that they just owe a tiny debt will make it easier for them to bear.

Don’t underestimate low-interest debts

Small interest debts are sometimes an issue since they are not a priority for debtors; they are usually last on their list of problems to be resolved, and as a result, lenders or creditors become irritated because the borrower takes a long time to pay. Many individuals appreciate good connections, which is one of the reasons why some relationships are damaged due to debts.

4). Time to enjoy freedom

Your sacrifices will be worth it when you've already paid off your obligations, you'll be free. With the ability to control the entirety of your earnings from your job, you can now begin investing not only in money but also in real estate. You may begin saving for your dream home, car, vacation, and travel by investing now.

Note: The benefit of paying off your debt initially is that you won't have to suffer as much as you would if you paid it off later. You'll learn how to budget effectively. You'll know how difficult life is when you can't even afford to purchase yourself new clothes because you're in debt. You'll finally figure out how to budget your money.

Ways for resolving to repay off debt

Ways for resolving to repay off debt

Take a time to ascertain the type of debt you have — whether it's credit card debt, student loan debt, mortgage debt, or something else - and how much debt you have before you begin repaying it. Understanding the types and amounts of your debts will assist you in developing a customized debt repayment strategy.

A. Pay off Credit cards or Invest?

Identify cautiously about good debt and bad debt. Credit card debt is surely a bad debt that requires intense motivation and persistence to deal with this. You can acquire an interest-free loan if you always pay your payment in full during the grace period. However, if you hold a balance, you will lose money. Compound interest increases the size of your debt. The debt will develop even faster if you merely make minimum payments.

Point to be noted:

If you have credit cards, you can ask to have your interest rates reduced. If your credit card interest rates are so high that paying off your bills appears unattainable, it's worth calling your card issuer to negotiate. Requesting lower interest rates is very frequent, and if you have a strong track record of paying your bills on time, you may be eligible for a reduced interest rate, which might help you pay off your debts.

Debt consolidation loan:

If you need to consolidate various credit card balances or different types of debt into one installment loan, this is a smart option. Unfortunately, you won't obtain a 0% interest rate, but you'll almost certainly get a rate that's lower than the APRs on your credit cards.

This is a personal loan, and if your credit is good enough, you might get approved. However, look around to find the best rate you qualify for.

B. Paying Mortgage debts

Mortgage rates are typically substantially lower than investment rates of return. Paying your mortgage is also one of the safest investments you can make. Split your monthly mortgage payment in half and send it every two weeks to pay off your house faster with this option. Yes, you heard it right! You can split the payment wisely so that it is not a burden to pay a huge amount in one go.

Money that was previously allocated to mortgage payments can now be used for other purposes. Being debt-free can provide peace of mind and reduce the risk of losing a house in the event of a job loss or other unforeseen circumstances.

C. Getting rid of student loan debt

One can’t give a price tag to decent education because education is priceless. Paying off student debts is essential as students today are unable to pay their bills, use their expenses wisely.

Following is a graphical illustration of the percentage of student debt holder on the basis of their age:

Age Group Percentage
Under 30 26
30-39 28
40-49 13
50-59 12.5
60 Years and older 5.3

Following is a graphical illustration of the percentage of student debt holder on the basis of their age

If you're having trouble paying off your student loans, try these strategies:

1. Formulate a budget: Students who do not understand how to manage their money effectively may find it difficult to pay off their debts promptly. This can cause you to miss out on more meaningful financial aspirations. You can make some required compromises and avoid falling off the financial wagon by preparing and understanding your monthly cash flow.

2. Consider refinancing the student loan: You may be paying too much in interest if you don't know how to pay off student loans quickly, or if it doesn't seem possible.

In this instance, refinancing your student loans for a cheaper interest rate, a shorter payback period, or both may be an option. While refinancing federal loans with a private lender may result in the loss of some federal benefits, it may allow you to pay off your loans more quickly.

With this method, timing is crucial. Your credit score will most likely be at its lowest soon after graduation, which means the interest rates you'll be given will be higher. To qualify for a loan, many lenders want you to have a consistent income or work history.


It is a hard choice to choose between investing or paying off debt but a better option is always to get rid of the debt. A load of debt fuels stresses and psychological pressure among individuals that may disturb family relationships. Be it credit card debt or school loan debt or mortgage debt, there are certain ways to tackle them. Once the debt is paid off, there will be money left over to invest in the future to ensure financial security.