How To Tell Your Kids That They Will Pay for The College Fee?

How To Tell Your Kids That They Will Pay for The College Fee?
Skilledwise 12 Jul 2022

Being a parent, you desire your kids to possess as many options as possible in life, and a college degree can strengthen and unveil many social & professional possibilities.

Paying for your kid’s college fees, however, might be a tough job, particularly if you have more than one kid. Thankfully, there are various modes to aid those hefty college bills without churning out all your hard-earned resources.

The latest study reveals that most kids (nearly 65.0%) anticipate that their parents will arrange money for whatever college they opt for, while most parents (about 62.0%) are not in a state to do so.

Enrooting your kids to pay their college fees themselves might offer them a broad spectrum & long-term benefits than you might ever visualize.

Importance: Why kids should pay for their college fees?

They will grasp financial responsibility

Assure kids

If your kids have not garnered money before, having them set aside at least part of their college fees will empower them to learn about how to structure their expenditures in low-stakes circumstances.

Self-dependence will influence their grades

A study reveals that while kids were more likely to graduate if their parents upheld their entire college fees, they were at the same time also more conceivable to acquire lower grades than their more self-dependent colleagues. Having “their money” at stake can play a vital role as a motivator for kids to furnish their money’s worth.

Assure kids

It might skew your relationship

Assure kids

Possibly, your kids will stand firm with at least one ruling you disapprove of in college, like switching majors more than twice. Events like these can be especially unpleasant when you are paying for their fallacies. But allowing them to take monetary responsibility can empower them to be more contemplative & sagacious in their decision-making and help them dodge conflict.

It Can Establish an Awareness of Entitlement.

Kids who pay their college fees on their own, either through jobs or fiscal aid, absorb just how much their college is worth. Eventually, this makes them more likely to toil at school to grab their money’s worth. On the contrary, kids who have all their college expenses paid for them mostly take this as their “right” and feel no responsibility to work for it.

Assure kids

It Can Lead to Reliance.

Assure kids

When parents pay for their kids' college fees, they look up to them to pay all their bills. This can be a serious habit to melt after they graduate. But, on the contrary, kids who have to arrange their own college fees grasp to take charge of their money, the ability that will cater to them well when they are adults.

TIPS: How to tell your kids they will pay for college fees?

Involve them in daily finances Involve them in daily finances

Initiate as early as possible by having your kids learn the value of money, explain to them your monthly bills, and discuss with them how much it costs to pay for family essentials and other cyclical costs. Involving kids in the monetary factors of family life can go a long way to aiding them in absorbing finances and gearing them for the future. It will also cater to a sense of contemplation and reliability when they're made to grasp that paying their college fees is a part of their responsibility.

Instruct them to do the evaluations

When the college your kids are looking for is not even near to being affordable for them or you, you must push them to crunch the numbers.

But before you assign them to this real-world task, ensure you absorb how sensitive this initial tete-a-tete can be. If you can demarcate facts from emotions, it will go a lot easier for both of you. Demand your kids to research 2 to 3 colleges they’re inclined to. Instruct them to make a note of the total cost expenditure they have to meet. Fix a sitting once a week to discuss what they have to submit.

Emphasize tough reality check

Refrain from telling them that you may be taking into account a loan to accumulate funds for their education. Allow them to strive with this decision on their own in the beginning. The reality of this may not fit if they ponder that their “dad is a 24x7 bank" will pick up the tab.

Probably, when you let them observe the numbers themselves, they will be able to establish more realistic anticipations about college and the impact student loan debt can stamp.

Being able to demonstrate to your kids the amount of student loan debt that will arrive as compared to the amount of money they may garner, making them aware of what’s arriving.

Talk, Discuss & Converse

You must discuss with them about “paying their college fees themselves” well before the first day they appear at their college.

This is not merely a discussion in a vacuum about the fact that your kids must pay for college but instead a chain of teachable events to help your kids comprehend money, saving, and expenditure. If you initiate discussing how much college expenses and saving for that expenditure together, it becomes a price the kids might anticipate taking on themselves.

Encourage them to save more

Despite being only a little bit each week, any amount of money saved before the first tuition fee arrives will lessen the struggle. Guide them to start a savings account and motivate them to accrue money to it on a regular basis. Begin discussing various investment options.

It's a regrettable fact that college fees are at record highs now and will keep increasing. However, gearing your kids with the acumen they require to make wise financial conclusions will help keep them, if not solvent, when they graduate, at least debt-conscious, and they'll be equipped to manage their debt smartly.

Explore all the aids available

Student loans are not the only approach to paying for college. Make your kids sit down with their guidance advisor to identify what other alternatives are available. Merit-based scholarships are the best choices that don't demand repayment. As long as your kids sustain certain grades, these ways will pay a major portion and sometimes all of their college expenditures.

Well, the same holds while your child is in college, too. Making your kids garner an income while they are in school is one of the finest ways to help pay for college. A small amount of earned income could help them cover fees and books or provide the money for their expenses.


Enrooting healthy money habits at a young age make kids more likely to grow into adults who witness much lesser fiscal stress.

Motivating your kids to pay for college can empower them to take the steps they require to begin a career. Initially, paying their college fees themselves might be a harsh awakening for your kids. Still, it will undoubtedly make them more self-dependent, secure & wise regarding handling their money for their lifetime.